

Current Month

The aim of the seminars is to foster connections among researchers working various types of inverse problems and their applications.

Information about the seminars​

      The online seminars will be held every month via Zoom. The talks will be 45-50 minutes long followed by a 10-15 minutes Q&A. The seminars will be uploaded to our YouTube channel.

      The meeting id and passcode for the upcoming seminar will be emailed to the seminar mailing list. Please be sure to add your email address at least one week prior to the seminar you would like to join. Alternatively, if you would like to be removed from the mailing list please inform us via the “Contact Us” section.

Seminar Rules

  • Participants are kindly asked to make sure their Zoom names match their real names. (Keep in mind that the seminars are going to be uploaded to Youtube and your name will be visible to the public audience. If you have any concerns about this matter please contact us prior to the seminar you plan to attend.)
  • Participants are kindly asked to log in with the camera off and microphone muted. However, they are very welcome to turn their camera/microphone on while asking questions.